Money Back Guarantee


100% Money Back Guarantee

We're so confident you'll love our products that if you don't see results within 90 days, you are eligible for a refund.

Our money-back guarantee requires you to consistently use our products for 90 days, as per the instructions on the packaging. To be eligible for a refund, you will need to provide before use, during use and after use photos. 
Please, follow the below instructions:

1. Take a photo with your eyes closed before your first application (Ensuring the photo provides a time stamp).
2. Use the product at least once per day for 30 consecutive days. At 30 days, take a photo with your eyes closed (Ensuring the photo provides a time stamp). 
3. Use the product at least once per day for 60 consecutive days. At 60 days, take a photo with your eyes closed (Ensuring the photo provides a time stamp). 
4. Use the product at least once per day for 90 consecutive days. At 90 days, take a photo with your eyes closed (Ensuring the photo provides a time stamp). 
5. Email our Dispute Resolution Team on with details of the item you purchased, your order confirmation number & please attach all 4 above photos.

Terms & Conditions.
* Please note that hair growth varies between each individual. 
* SESTRA Cosmetics will provide a full refund, inclusive of the Standard Shipping cost to you. Therefore, in order to receive a full refund, the customer is responsible for the shipping costs associated with the return of the product to our Melbourne Warehouse.
* Please allow up to 3 business days for your refund application to be processed.
* This guarantee is only open to bona fide customers, who act at all times in good faith and with integrity. 
* SESTRA Cosmetics reserves the right to cancel the guarantee where it is believed the customer has acted dishonestly or fraudulently.
*If the item you are shipping exceeds the amount of $75, a trackable shipping service and/or shipping insurance should be considered. SESTRA Cosmetics cannot guarantee that your return item will be received.
